Pre Tax Profit Ändra Datum
Allot Communications USD 1.8M 2.1M 2024-09
Bezeq The Israel ILS 363M 8M 2024-09
Cellcom Israel 73M 61M 2024-06
Digi Communications NV EUR 43.57M 9.52M 2024-09
Magyar Telekom HUF 53.78B 25.02B 2024-09
Telekom Malaysia Bhd MYR 371.4M 296.8M 2024-12
Turk Telekomunikasyon AS TRY 1.74B 1.36B 2024-06

Bezeq The Israel Vinst Före Skatt - Aktuella värden, historiska data, prognoser, statistik, diagram och ekonomisk kalender - Mar 2025.